Tariffs of services for nonresident physical persons at «PRIVÉ CLUB» branch



Terms of use and additional services


Service Package Maintenance


Quarterly commission for Service Package Maintenance (hereinafter referred to as Commission)


In case the total average daily balance is USD 100 thousand or more on banking accounts (or an equivalent amount):

Free of charge

Average daily balance - the amount of daily positive balances of personal funds according to the results of the Bank’s operational day of banking accounts (deposit account(s), brokerage account(s), current account(s) opened by the clients at the Bank, divided to the number of calendar days of the corresponding reporting quarter for which the calculations have been done).
The average daily balance also includes funds deposited by the client for purchasing bonds of the Bank.
If necessary, to determine the average daily balance/the amount of non-cash transactions, the Bank recalculates the relevant currency in which the average daily balance/ the amount of non-cash transactions is reflected in USD at the rate of the relevant currency of the RA CB set on the last day of the reporting quarter.


For each calendar quarter of service, if none of the conditions under which no commission is charged are met (points 1.1.1.-1.1.2. of actual Tariffs)

80 000 AMD

This commission is not charged in the calendar quarter during which the package has been acquired. The commission is charged starting from the next calendar quarter.

In case of early termination of agreement with the client, including the quarter in which the application for the accession to the Terms of Service of the package was signed, this commission is charged for an incomplete calendar quarter in full amount.

2. Tariffs of issuance and maintenance of “Unibank” OJSC’s international banking cards (hereinafter referred to as “Banking Cards”) issued in the frameworks of “Prive Club” service package for physical persons.


Banking card maintenance

VISA Infinite Card type: VISA Infinite debit card


Card account currency




The Bank issues:

• Single currency cards in one of the currencies based on the client’s choice

• Multicurrency cards for payment in three currencies

Rules for debiting cards while conducting transactions with multicurrency cards:

• if the currency of the transaction coincides with the currency of the card account with a positive balance on it, the funds are debited from the client's card account opened in the currency of the transaction

• If the currency of the transaction doesn’t coincide with the currency of the card account, the Bank debits the funds first from AMD account, then from USD account, and then from EUR account


Commission for annual maintenance

From the main card:

Free of charge

Banking card is issued with a validity period of 3 years

As additional one, VISA Infinite cards are issued

There is no restriction as to the amount of additional cards

From the additional card:

Free of charge


Commission for the issue of main/additional Banking card

200.000 AMD


Commission for URGENT issue of main/additional Banking card

500.000 AMD

Within 3 days after receiving the full package of necessary documents


Commission for the reissue of main/additional Banking card

100.000 AMD

Commission is charged at the reissuance of the Banking card for any reason, except if it expires


The volume of interest rates charged by the Bank for using funds from the main card, in percent per annum:

Banking cards in AMD, USD, EUR


When paying the accrued interest, the Bank charges income tax from non-residents in accordance with the RA legislation


Cash withdrawal


Cash withdrawal from the Bank’s ATMs/POSs


The commission is charged when debiting funds from the Account.

The sequence of debiting funds from the Account is determined by the order of receipt of data on transactions from banks and data on transactions from the payment system.

Limit on withdrawal of money from the Bank’s ATMs/POSs or at those of third party banks: not more than AMD 20 million daily.

In case of withdrawing from at an ATM or POS of a third party bank, an additional commission may be charged, also cash withdrawal limit set by the third party bank may influence the transaction.


Cash withdrawal from ATMs/POSs of other banks



Depositing funds to the Card account


Depositing non-cash funds to the Card account


In case if after the transfer operation, the cumulative balance of funds on all accounts (Card Accounts/Current Accounts) of the client exceeds 20 million AMD (the equivalent of this amount). 

If the cumulative balance of funds on all client accounts on the morning of the transaction day of funds transfer are: 

• already more than 20 million drams: -the commission fee is charged from the entire credited amount, 

• less than 20 million drams : -the commission fee is charged from the difference between the total balance on the account after the funds are credited and 20 million AMD. 

• commission fee is charged for all transactions, including when funds are credited by transfer within the Bank . 

• the commission fee is not applied when the client makes transfers between their accounts.


Depositing cash funds to the Card account

The tariff is set by the Bank individually 


Non-cash payments and transfers:


Non-cash transfers from the Card account made at the Bank’s office, through “Internet –Bank” system, “Mobile Banking” application, at ATMs and POSs of third party banks.

The operation is not carried out


Non-cash transfers from the Card account to other Card accounts of the Bank using the Bank’s ATMs



Non-cash payments for goods and services at shopping-service centers

Free of charge

Not more than AMD 20 million daily


Conversion operations:

Conversion when paying for goods and services at trade (service) organizations

By the rate of the Bank

For transactions made with the Banking card at the buying and selling rate of the Bank’s non-cash foreign currency

During the day, the rate may repeatedly be changed by the Bank


Other services related to the maintenance of the Banking card, as well as Banking services provided to the Banking Cardhoders:


Provision of information on the card’s balance at third party banks’ ATMs

Free of charge

Additional commissions set by the third party bank may be charged


SMS banking on implemented operations

10.000 AMD

The tariff is valid when sending to a non-local mobile operator number


Email banking on implemented operations

Free of charge


Preparation of reference letters and statements upon client’s request

30.000 AMD in case of sending the certificate outside the RA

In other cases, no commission is charged

List of issued Letter:

  • Letter on the status of the Account

· Letter on the amount of turnover on the Account

  • Letter on account opening/availability
  • Letter on account closing


Time deposit: this service is provided in accordance with the Bank’s Terms and Conditions of attracting time deposits for “Prive Club” package holders in case of concluding a separate agreement with the client


Provision of cash and settlement services for the client’s bank accounts (hereinafter referred to as the Account)


Account opening for settlement services

200 000 AMD

Currency of the Account: AMD, USD, EUR, RUB, GBP, CHF


URGENT account opening for settlement services

500.000 AMD

Within 3 days after receiving the full package of necessary documents


Commission for annual maintenance

Free of charge


Money transfers

The Bank accepts and transmits payment orders submitted in paper or electronic form in accordance with the schedule below, with the actual availability of the corresponding amount of funds in the Client's Account, and the necessary supporting documents:






Internal transfers: on the same working day

Urgent external transfers: on the same working day

Standard external transfers: not later than the next working day

After 15:30

On the next working day


Interbank transfers in any currency

Free of charge


Money transfers in AMD in favor of other banks’ clients

Free of charge


Money transfers in foreign currencies in favor of other banks’ clients


Min 15.000 AMD, max 150.000 AMD

Standard transfers


min 30.000 AMD, max 300.000 AMD

Urgent transfers


Amendments to the data or cancellation of the payment upon client’s request

In case of AMD:

AMD 50.000

In case of foreign currencies:

AMD 100.000


Implementation of periodical orders in AMD submitted by the client

Free of charge

Regular orders must necessarily contain the exact date of the transaction, the currency, the amount, the name/the account number of the recipient


Return of unexplained funds for non-residents of the RA

AMD 100.000 and the additional expenses of the correspondent bank


Investigation at the client’s request about the search of transferred funds, request for confirmation of depositing to the beneficiary’s account

AMD 100.000 and additional expenses of the correspondent bank


Deposit of funds to the Account


Deposit of non-cash funds to the Account


In case if after the transfer operation, the cumulative balance of funds on all accounts (Card Accounts/Current Accounts) of the client exceeds 20 million AMD (the equivalent of this amount).

If the cumulative balance of funds on all client accounts on the morning of the transaction day of funds transfer are:
• already more than 20 million drams: - the commission fee is charged from the entire credited amount,
• less than 20 million drams : - the commission fee is charged from the difference between the total balance on the account after the funds are credited and 20 million AMD.
• commission fee is charged for all transactions, including when funds are credited by transfer within the Bank .
• the commission fee is not applied when the client makes transfers between their accounts.


Deposit of funds to the client’s Account


Free of charge

In foreign currencies

Commission is set on individual bases


Provision of cash

Provision of cash is implemented upon client’s written request made by the client during the preceding working day of the withdrawal.

From funds deposited to the client’s Account in cash

Commission is set on individual bases

From funds deposited to the client’s Account non – cash: non-resident of the RA

Commission is set on individual bases


Conversion transaction

At the Bank’s rate for the purchase/sale of the currency

In the frameworks of the Service Package, the client may as well make purchase/sale transaction of a foreign currency at a rate


Exchange of worn banknotes

Free of charge


Non-resident of the RA

5%, min 5.000 AMD


Verification of authenticity and packing of the cash currency

Non-resident of the RA

0,5%, min 1.000 AMD


Provision of checkbook

Free of charge


Preparation and issuance of certificates, statement filled in the Bank’s form, informative materials

Provision of account statements or other documents saved in the electronic form.

30.000 AMD in case the document should be sent abroad
In other cases no

commission is


The application should be submitted at least one Banking day prior to the issuance detailing the language of the document.

Provision of hard copies of documents

Provision of references


SMS information on transactions made with the Account

Free of charge


Email information on transactions made with the Account

Free of charge


Provision of power of attorney at the Bank:

Provision of notarized power of attorney

Free of charge

Provision of power of attorney made at the Bank’s office in the presence of the attorney-in-fact

Free of charge


Account closing

Free of charge

The Bank eligible to unilaterally close the client’s Account, if the latter hasn’t provided the Bank with enough balance to make payments in line with tariffs, with a minimum balance and/or hasn’t made any transactions for more than 3 (three) months.


The volume of interest rates charged by the Bank for the use of funds from the Account, in percent per annum:

Accounts in AMD, USD, EUR


When paying the accrued interest, the Bank withholds tax on the non-resident’s income in accordance with the RA legislation


Remote bank account maintenance via “Internet Ban” system, “Mobile Banking” app with a right to get information, withdraw cash or make other transactions.


Initial registration of the client in “Internet-Bank” and “Mobile-Banking” systems

Free of charge


Issuance and registration of a secret key in the “Internet-Bank” system

24.000 AMD


Provision of a new or additional secret key in case of the loss or damage to the previous one:

Non-resident of the RA AMD 20.000


Individual safe deposit lockers:


1-30 days

AMD 10.000

Safe deposit lockers (110x220x480 mm)


31-180 days

AMD 20.000


181-365 days

AMD 30.000


1-30 days

AMD 20.000

Safe deposit lockers (200x450x480 mm)


31-180 days

AMD 30.000


181-365 days

AMD 45.000


Additional Services


Consultation with a personal manager on the Bank’s products

Free of charge

In the frameworks of Service Package, the client may receive additional services, benefits or offers in accordance with the agreement concluded between the Bank and the thirds parties that provide such services.

The client gets informed that such additional services, benefits or offers are provided to the client by the third parties, and the Bank doesn’t provide the client with any warranty or assurance regarding such services, benefits and/or offers, their quality, availability and continuous provision, the Bank is not responsible for the use of services, benefits and/or offers provided to the client by the third parties.

Information on services and conditions of their provision may be found on the official website of the bank: https://prive.unibank.am/


Global client support service for cardholders

Free of charge


International medical and information support to travelling cardholders

Free of charge


Provision of insurance and extended purchase warranty for cardholders

Free of charge


Full insurance for cardholders and for their companions during the trip

Free of charge


VISA Infinite Concierge

Free of charge


Organizing the provision of legal and tax support services

Free of charge


A special package of privileges, giving access to various discounts and special offers all over the world

Free of charge


Access to Lounge Key halls

Starting from the 7th visit to the business lounges before the expiration of the card, every visit will cost USD 32

The client reimburses the Bank for all the actual expenses in the amount and currency of the actual cost for each visit to business lounges both by himself and his guests in the frameworks of Lounge Key service. The Bank writes off funds from the card Account / Account (s) of the client to the Account of reimbursement of expenses incurred by it to pay for services provided to the client.

While counting free visits, not only clients' but also their guests' visits are taken into account.


Tax and legal support services

Commission is set on individual bases

The Bank informs the client about the scope of work for the service and its cost prior to the provision of the service.


Consultation with the personal manager on partner Banks’ products, organization and assistance in their receipt by the client.

Commission is set on individual bases

The Bank informs the client about the scope of work for the service and its cost prior to the provision of the service.


1. Existing tariffs may be amended or supplemented by the Bank with a prior notification to the clients by placing the information in the territory or on the Bank’s official website: https://prive.unibank.am/. Amendments and supplements come into force from the moment set by the Bank, but not earlier than the date of notifying the client about them.

2. On the basis of long-term cooperation between the Bank and the client, the volume of transactions by the client and other essential factors, the Bank has the right to set tariffs and conditions, determined by other documents and/or additional contracts and agreements.

3. The commissions for transactions subject to VAT, is indicated including VAT.

4. Other operations, not included in this list, are carried out in accordance with the actual tariffs set by the Bank.